What all comes with the Fixer Upper kit? Will there be more things I need to purchase?
We have included everything that you will need to run a successful 5-day program in our complete kit—from planning resources to recruiting materials to training and promotion, the manual provides the entire 5-day curriculum with Bible lessons, small group times, games, crafts, snacks and more. Plus our Resource CD provides you with kids activity sheets for every day, a complete set of publicity and promotional materials that you can customize for your church, and so much more. And our Music CD gives you six songs with both performance and accompaniment tracks. So the only additional purchases will be the items you need for crafts, snacks and games—and many of those items you will probably already have on hand.
So is there anything I can buy from you?
If you’d like, we will have professionally produced promotional materials available for purchase. But we have also provided artwork for these on the Resource CD if you prefer to produce them yourselves. The only other item you may choose to buy is a special iron-on decal of the Fixer Upper logo, which you can use for your first day craft. These are available individually or in packages of 10 logos. If you decide not to make that your first day craft, we have provided you with an alternative craft idea for that day.
What will the Fixer Upper cost me in total?
Besides what you pay for the complete kit, we estimate that it should cost less than $15 per child to run the program itself.
How many volunteers are necessary to run the Fixer Upper VBS?
At a bare minimum, we suggest at least 10 volunteers. Many of your volunteers can serve in dual roles such as helping with registration while also serving as games leader.
Can I return the Fixer Upper kit if I decide not to use it?
Your kit comes with a notebook containing all that you need to successfully run this VBS program. Inside you’ll find resource pages that will explain all the practical details you need to know. You will also find shrink-wrapped curriculum. If you wish to send back the kit, you may, but only if the seal on the shrink-wrapped portion has not been broken.
Is a sample of the program materials available for preview?
We have provided various samples of the curriculum on our website. You will be able to view portions of our Bible lessons, crafts, snacks and games.
Can I hear a sample of the music before I decide whether to purchase the Fixer Upper?
Yes! Simply go to the Fixer Upper website and click the “Music” tab. Scroll down and you will see information and online samples of several of the Fixer Upper’s fun songs for kids.
What Bible version is used?
Pioneer Clubs does not use a particular version in our lessons. We encourage kids to look up the passage themselves with their own Bible (or a church-supplied Bible), which is why we provide verse reference only (e.g. Genesis 1:2). Several supplementary handouts are provided for your convenience in a choice of three versions: ESV, NIV and KJV. If you prefer another version, you may simply make your own handouts.
What denomination is Pioneer Clubs associated with?
Pioneer Clubs is not affiliated with any one Christian denomination. We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are verbally inspired by God inerrant in the original writings, and of supreme and final authority in faith and life (2 Peter 1:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:16-17).